Wednesday, July 8, 2015

SWEET ASYLUM (Book 4) and some reflection

Another book of mine, SWEET ASYLUM, my fourth, has hit the virtual shelves.

About a month ago I was fortunate enough to be part of another launch for an anthology, Fish or Cut Bait, put together by Sisters In Crime International.

In that anthology I have a short story titled "Easy Prey" which is only my second short story set in modern times. With both of these launches and the necessary work leading up to them I've hardly had much time to come up for air. Now that I am on the other side of things I have a bit of time to reflect and think about my writing career so far.

When I set out to self-publish I wrote up a business plan, which included a rough budget and necessary steps I would need to tackle. I made a commitment to self-publishing 4 full-length novels knowing that success would be achieved over a number of works, not just one. By setting a four book goal I began with a focus on a career not just a single book.

CHORUS OF THE DEAD was published in July 2012. DEAD SILENT was available May 2013. The DEAD AMONG US was ready May 2014 and now SWEET ASYLUM has gone out into the world (June 2015). For those keeping track, it took me three years since hitting 'publish' in 2012 to hitting publish on my fourth book.

In those three years I also had three short stories published in various anthologies, each one reaching a new, unique audience and hopefully beckoning new readers to my series.

So, four books in. I did what I said I was going to do, so... now what?

I keep writing. The success of Peter Ainsley has been so encouraging. I am continually amazed by the number of people who contact me saying they love my books. I am surprised that a fan base could be grown for such a small self-publisher like myself. The first year was not encouraging at all and my second book made only a small impact. It's only been in the last year that my series had gained some traction. My income is not supplementary any more. It's a bona fide income and it grows with each new addition to the series. All in all, it's been encouraging and I'm happy I took the leap into self publishing.


  1. I love your Peter Ainsley's stories. After book 3, I wasn't sure how you would move forward with the stories, but Sweet Asylum was brilliant! I am looking forward to the next book in the series. Especially how the appearance of Lord Marshall will affect Peter and Margaret's lives...

  2. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. Sorry for not responding sooner. I guess I missed the blogger email that tells me when someone leaves a comment. I'm planning for the Peter Ainsley series to be a six book series, at least that's how it's shaping up in my mind. Book 5, SICKNESS OF THE HEART, should be out this spring. Book 6, SHADOWS OF MADNESS should be out 2017. Lots going on with Peter and Margaret. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think of the next books. Thanks for stopping by!
